Anytime, Anywhere Summer Vacation Workouts!

With the Memorial Day Long Weekend coming up, summer is almost officially here! We know last summer was a little different than the norm, so we sure hope you’ve got some fun travel plans coming up!  Staying active and getting some training in on the road doesn’t have to be complicated… You don’t even need a hotel gym!  If you’ve got a few feet of space, we’ve got you covered with a few travel friendly bodyweight workouts:


Anywhere Bodyweight Workout #1

  1. Dead Bugs x 5 each side

  2. Squats or Jump Squats x 10

  3. Push Ups x 5

  4. Single Leg Hip Hinge x 5 each side

Repeat for 5 to 10 rounds.  Here’s a video for reference!

Anywhere Bodyweight Workout #2

  1. Bird Dogs x 5 each side

  2. Wide Out Squats x 5

  3. Elbow Tap Push Ups x 10

  4. Lunge & Hop x 5 each side

Repeat for 5 to 10 rounds.  Here’s a video you can check out!

Anywhere Bodyweight Workout #3

  1. HardStyle Plank for 10 seconds

  2. Alternating Lateral Lunge x 10 each side

  3. Mountain Climber x 10 each side

  4. Squats x 10

Repeat for 5 to 10 rounds.  Check out the video here!


Happy Summer Travels from your Breakthrough Crew!

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