This spring, our theme for our Complete Strength classes is “Beautiful Strength”… focusing on exercises designed to develop graceful movement, build lean muscle, and of course get us looking and feeling our best!
The Turkish Get-Up is an example of such an exercise – a total body move that takes you from lying on the ground, to standing, and back down to the ground again. Often described as “yoga with a weight”, the Get-Up works wonders for the core, as well as shoulder mobility and stability, so this exercise will be a key player in our classes this spring. We will also be including a variety of other total body moves to fit in with the concept of developing fluidity and strength simultaneously.
In our StrongFirst / FMS fitness community, we often discuss the advantages of practicing these types of “self-limiting” exercises. These are, as Gray Cook puts it, movements “…that naturally impose simultaneous yet paradoxical physical demands like strength and balance, or power and control, performance outcomes. Simply stated, these activities force superior mental and physical engagement.”
So let’s practice beautiful strength together, and develop superior mental and physical versions of ourselves!
Celebrating the strength in us all!