Best Week EVER!

Best Week EVER!

As we re-opened our doors this past week after the shut down for COVID-19, we are just filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude… So, we’d like to express our thanks:

  1. To our members who were able to stay with us as we had to pivot to remote coaching – thank you for supporting us, and allowing us to continue to support you. We know it wasn’t easy to reconfigure your homes to find space to workout, and set up your computers so we could see your technique. We know many of you will want or need to continue remote coaching, and we are so glad we now have tools in place to help you succeed in this way.

  2. To our members who have been so excited to come back into the gym this week and make our new in person set up a huge success! Thank you for being patient these past few months, thank you for cheerfully rolling with the new requirements we have to follow, and thank you for making everything run so smoothly. It’s so amazing to see you back in action IN PERSON, and such a great reminder that training partners are success multipliers!

  1. To our friends and families who have provided every kind of support imaginable in helping us navigate all the changes we’ve faced these last few months, and will continue to face.

  2. To our fitness business mentorship group, Results Fitness University, for helping us elevate what people perceive coaches and gyms to be. With the guidance of our mentorship group of fitness professionals from all over the world, we’ve been able to go above and beyond the basic safety recommendations for gyms re-opening. From our cleaning practices, to our physical distancing training zones, we feel confident we are following all best practices for keeping our members safe.

  3. To our coaches and teachers that we’ve had over the past 11 years in the industry, we are so grateful that we have been able to learn training and programming that places us in the perfect position to deliver results in today’s environment. As many of our colleagues are now shifting to learn how to create shorter programs with more minimal equipment, we are so thankful that from the beginning we chose this path. If you have a couple of kettlebells and 30 minutes or so, we know we can create a training plan to get you where you want to go!

  4. To past members, people we’ve met at various events or checking out the gym, we thank you too for being a part of our journey thus far.


We are excited to keep re-building, and keeping making the Breakthrough community a welcoming place for everyone who wants to share in our mission of celebrating strength of mind, body, character and spirit.

Strength, love and gratitude!

Your Breakthrough Team

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