Kati’s FitKit – A Few of My Favorite Things in 2018


Kati’s FitKit

A Few of My Favorite Things in 2018

As each year draws to an end, I always like to look back and reflect.  As business owners, of course Caleb and I spend time thinking of what went well in our business, what things we want to improve on for next year, and what new ideas we want to try.  I like to do the same for my own personal development, and I especially like to take stock of what new things I discovered and what new experiences I had in the last year. So, I thought why not share a few of my favorite new things from 2018… turns out all of these things have been around way before 2018, but they were new to me

For me, 2018 started off sick… not in a good way!  I caught the plague that was going around, and spent a good chunk of time during Winter 2018 trying to recover.  One silver lining was that I was able to perfect my Hot Toddy recipe, which was the only thing that seemed to soothe the sore throat and sinuses, and help me fall asleep (and stay asleep).  Fortunately you can benefit from my suffering.

2018 Fave Thing #1 – Hot Toddy Recipe – Because sometimes you have to take your medicine, but you also need it to be delicious

Vanilla Camomille Tea from Celestial Seasonings

Tin Cup Whiskey – 2 oz

Juice from 1/2 a fresh lime

1/2 tsp honey

You could sub a different kind of tea… I tried a few different kinds, but found that a vanilla spice flavor was best.  In my opinion, you don’t want to sub another kind of whiskey.  Once Caleb and I discovered this Tin Cup, it was just so perfect for this drink that we could always tell the difference if we used another kind.  Bottoms up and sweet dreams, kids!


Once the plague of Winter 2018 subsided, Spring of 2018 brought a couple of cool things:

2018 Fave Thing #2 – Yoga Tune Up, and Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls – Because every year should include something that helps you move and feel better

I wasn’t really sure what the Yoga Tune Up® training would be, but I kept being drawn to it, and I knew I needed to sign up. My expectations were exceeded in every way.  This training allowed me to deepen my understanding of the way our bodies move, helped me improve the way I communicate as a teacher, guided me toward better embodying my own body, and even helped me think more creatively in the way I teach and look at training and movement. And of course there are the magical Therapy Balls! Discovering the Therapy Balls, and lots of new ways to use them for Self Myofascial Release as part of the Yoga Tune Up® training has been life changing for me and my clients!  Stress and pain relief, better mobility, improved recovery from training… and of course non-stop ball jokes!  Even our members who don’t normally attend my yoga class have pretty much all been exposed to using the Therapy Balls and some Yoga Tune Up® exercises by now. In fact, I learned so much from Jill Miller, the creator of Yoga Tune Up® that I took another course from her on hips in the fall, and already have my sights set on several more courses with her in 2019 – breathing, core, shoulders, and, yes, more balls!


2018 Fave Thing #3 – The Struts – Because we all need music that makes you happy instantly whenever you hear it

Caleb and I discovered The Struts sometime last spring, and we loved them immediately!  I’m sure everyone at Breakthrough has now heard of them if you hadn’t before, because we’ve played them a lot this last year.  They are a high energy, retro/classic/glam rock band with great musicians and a huge sense of fun and showmanship.  We got to go see them perform in the fall and it was an absolute blast! Bonus- dancing the night away is a good way to get some variety endurance training in!


Summer is my birthday and I was gifted some new faves:

2018 Fave Things #4 and #5 – Gorjana bracelets and Teal Converse – Because why not have a few things that make you smile when you look down

Gorjana bracelets are so pretty and adjustable – which is so great because the most annoying thing about bracelets is that they move around too much on your arm.  I usually don’t wear bracelets because they don’t stay where I want them to, but now, problem solved.

These shoes, you guys… they’re Chucks… they’re teal… enough said.  They also feel pretty awesome to deadlift in and they got broken in in their first powerlifting meet at the beginning of this month!


In fall we got to go to a place we’ve never been before:

2018 Fave Thing #6 New York City – Because each year you should get to experience a new place and new people

Caleb and I went to New York for the first time ever to assist at an StrongFirst instructor training, and we were fortunate enough to get to spend a couple days on our own enjoying the city.  We loved the fast pace and energy of the city, we loved the people we met, we even loved the subway! We can’t wait to go back and explore more!


I hope you all got to experience some wonderful new things, places and people this year!  And I hope 2019 brings a whole new batch of amazing new things your way!

Strength and Love,


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