We Can Do Hard Things

This winter I spent some hibernation time committing to 40 days of journalling. It was a great way for me to examine my mindset on various topics, look for areas that I might be allowing limiting beliefs to creep in, and generally refresh my thinking to be ready for the new growth of springtime. One of the journal prompts was to think back on things in your life you have accomplished that at one time felt difficult, or almost impossible.

As an introverted kid who was nervous about many things, just getting my driver’s license felt like something that was almost impossible! Once I started journalling about some of the difficult things I have accomplished, I was pretty blown away. I’ve travelled alone to places I was unfamiliar with, I’ve performed as a singer in front of large and small crowds, I’ve switched careers and started a business with my husband, I’ve navigated a big medical diagnosis, I’ve passed challenging professional certifications, our business survived the pandemic and a flood… if that teenager who was scared to drive could only see me now!


This isn't about bragging – there are many people who have achieved far greater things than I have.  But I do believe it’s important to recognize and celebrate your successes. Journalling on this topic was a great reminder to me that many things that seem impossible, are actually within reach. Journalling and working on your mindset is one way to remind yourself of this, but I also know the power of putting it into practice by the actions you take. 

The way I train in the gym is one of those actions I take to remind myself that I can accomplish things that are difficult. This doesn’t mean that I am pushing to the brink of exhaustion every workout to try to prove something to myself. It’s about challenging myself just the right amount, and in the right way so that I can see progress while enjoying the process. 

Even when I’m not training for a specific event, I still show up to each training session with intention. This might mean building toward heavier loads, more sets and reps, or seeing better work capacity. It also means always paying attention to my technique and asking how I can get the most out of what I’m doing. In the past couple of years as I have been recovering from a back injury, I have reminded myself that I can do hard things by letting go of who I was before, and all the things I think I “should” be doing so I can find a new way forward.

When we discover and cultivate our physical strength, we do the same for our strength of mind and spirit. I’ve experienced it myself, and throughout my career as a coach, it has been a privilege to see our members experience this in their training too. They participate in challenges (like our powerlifters are this weekend), they show up even if they have something going on that might mean modifying their training, they prioritize their sessions in the midst of hectic schedules and many commitments. And in addition to witnessing physical changes, I’ve seen our members develop greater confidence, pursue new opportunities, have improved outlooks on life, feel less stressed out, and have happier relationships!


I believe we have to deliberately choose things that push at the borders of our comfort zones so that we remember that we can do hard things. As I recently went back and looked at my list in my journal, I realized that many of the difficult accomplishments were things I had intentionally chosen, and many were not. That realization made me even more grateful for those experiences I chose – knowing their lessons were there for me to recall when life threw me something I wasn’t expecting.

Is there something you want to accomplish that seems almost impossible? Remind yourself of past achievements, and then take action on something that expands your comfort zone just a bit. Show yourself you can do hard things, and be prepared to be amazed at how close “impossible" actually is to possible. 

Strength & Love,


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