Drop 2 Sizes Challenge!

December 19th 2015 Drop 2 Sizes in 8 Weeks!

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Drop Two Sizes Challenge! – Join us on January 14th!

Imagine starting 2016 leaner, stronger, and feeling like you can conquer the world… Announcing the Breakthrough Drop Two Sizes Challenge! Join us for a Drop Two Sizes Kick-Off Meeting on Thursday January 14th at 6pm to learn why the Breakthrough D2S Challenge is the perfect way to start your New Year! We will be sharing all the details you will need to be successful in the D2S Challenge, as well as fat loss secrets you can use whether you decide to join the Challenge or not!

This is an 8 week Challenge starting January 18th, and is open not only to our gym members, but to non-gym members as well! Here’s what you get when you join the Challenge:

  1. Breakthrough D2S Nutritional Program and Journal

  2. Weekly Nutrition Coaching Meetings reserved just for D2S Challenge participants – you will stay accountable for your progress and learn how to eat to reach your goals

  3. Unlimited training with a coach for members, and 16 group coaching sessions for non-members

  4. Exclusive t-shirt to wear for our end of Challenge party

  5. Down two sizes!!!

  6. EVERYONE who drops two sizes is a WINNER and will receive a special prize to be revealed at our Kick-Off Meeting

For more information, or to reserve your spot for the Kick-Off Meeting on January 14th, contact us today at info@breakthroughgym.com or (818) 712-9718

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